Talk to OS Gen – 0333 242 3108 

Seaham Hall Hotel & Serenity Spa

  • Sector: Hotels and Hospitality/Spa and Wellness
  • Technology: Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

The Business Opportunity

Originally built in 1791, Seaham Hall is now one of the finest 5 star Hotel and Spa facilities in the North East of England.  As well as a range of individually styled luxurious suites, Seaham Hall is home to the award-winning Serenity Spa, widely considered as one of the best spas in the North East.

The Serenity Spa requires 24-hour a day heat and electricity all year round. The Hotel has a similar energy demand profile for the majority of the year.  With energy being a significant cost item, Seaham Hall identified the opportunity to reduce their energy costs and their carbon footprint.


All capital required for the purchase, installation and ongoing servicing and maintenance provided by OS Gen.

Seaham Hall Hotel & Serenity Spa

  • More that 30% saved on annual electricity and heat bills
  • The site has 2 separate 100kW kW Combined Heat & Power (CHP) solutions
  • Over 80% of total site electricity demand generated
  • 280kW heat provided, equivalent to 4 x 70kW boilers working constantly

The Solution

Seaham Hall management partnered with OS Gen to install two on-site generation solutions each delivered through a 100kW Combined Heat & Power(CHP) for the Hotel and Spa respectively.

Two bespoke low noise enclosures were designed and installed to compliment the aesthetics and style of the buildings and surroundings expected of a 5 star Hotel and Spa. Both were commissioned in early 2019.

OS Gen covered the capital cost of the CHP and Installation, and the ongoing cost of Service and Maintenance over the lifetime of the partnership.

The energy generated by the CHP systems is then charged to Seaham Hall at a discounted rate set against the prevailing rates charged by the current utility providers through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

Contact OS Gen today

Contact OS Gen on 0333 242 3108 today or fill in out online contact form and a member of staff will be in touch.

Save money, carbon footprint and efficiency on your business energy today.